To start gathering information, the team leading this project is asking Mount Alexander Shire households to complete a survey and will also set up space online at OurSay where people can submit  ideas for helping reach zero net emissions.

  1. Click here to fill in the household survey 

The survey will help the Z-Net MAS project team understand how we as the community of Mount Alexander Shire currently use energy in our homes, how we travel and use water and waste.  According to the Z-Net MAS team, by completing this survey you will provide valuable bottom-up and localised data to help guide  Mount Alexander Shire’s transition.

Please answer the questions in accordance with your ‘typical’ behaviour, rather than your behaviour during COVID-19 restrictions and only one respondee per household. Please share this with local friends, family and neighbours via email and social media, so that we can get a genuine representative sample.

  1. Provide community project ideas (to be released in June)

A collaborative platform called OurSay is being set up to harvest community climate action ideas and projects. This platform will include existing ideas from the Shire’s Climate Change Forum and will be open for all community members to add new ideas and vote on their priorities.

A community steering group has been established to guide the program in this first phase.

The program is being led by Renew in collaboration with the community. Renew led the Hepburn Z-NET program which was developed as an open-source model and all of the developed resources are being shared for the Mount Alexander Shire program.

Partial funding for this program has been secured from Sustainability Victoria under the Zero Carbon Community Transition Program and Mount Alexander Shire Council.

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